Devonshire Pointe Annual Homeowner’s Association Meeting Minutes – January 16, 2023

Devonshire Pointe Homeowners Association 
Annual Meeting 1-16-23

Old National Bank (in person) & Zoom (remote call in)

Members: Heinz Mantel, Jim Sweeney, Bob Kord, Leah Gerbeth, Carole Pascarella,
Kevin Cullen, Erik Lundry, Lauren Plennert, Ginee Ames, Maggie Veldman
Also in attendance: Sandy Kord, Xuemin Lu, and Chris Schmitt

1) Treasurer’s Report – Bob Kord
a. 8 homes sold in 2022
b. Dues to increase to $250 non lake lots and $400 lake lots
c. Dues will be mailed out at the end of January and are due in 30 days
d. Please fill out email addresses on dues payment

2) Maintenance / Landscaping Committee – Jim Sweeney & Erik Lundry
a. East walls completely torn down and rebuilt and then capped with a limestone cap to
prevent water penetration
b. Devonshire signs at East wall replaced due to theft
c. West walls sealed against water penetration and then West walls capped with a
limestone cap to prevent water penetration 

3) Social Committee – Carole Pascarella, Lauren Plennert, Maggie Veldman, & Ginee Ames
a. Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 1
b. Potential garage sale dates June 9 and 10
c. Holiday lights competition was successful

4) Communications / Publicity Committee – Lauren Plennert & Leah Gerbeth
a. 126 Facebook members / 116 emails on neighborhood website 
b. Dates for 2023 Board Meetings: April 17, July 17 and October 9

5) Architectural Control Committee – Carole Pascarella & Kevin Cullen
a. Little library house continues to get significant use.

6) Covenants Committee – Carole Pascarella & Kevin Cullen
a. All homeowners need to be reminded that requests for approvals need to be
submitted prior to starting a project.

7) Open for additional comments or questions