Thank homeowners for attending and introduce themselves
Board member introductions
Board Members in Attendance – Heinz Mantel, Leah Gerbeth, Lauren Plennert (virtual), Kevin Cullen, Bob Kord, Erik Lundry, Carole Pascarella, Maggie Veldman, Jim Sweeney, Scot Armour
Other Devonshire Pointe Attendees – Karla Daaest, Steve Daaest, Sandy Kord, Carl Pascarella
1) Treasurer’s Report – Bob Kord/Scot Armour
a) Introduce Scot Armour as new Treasurer
b) Review Treasurer’s Report in detail for expenses ranging from lake, utilities, grounds, insurance, licenses and permits, office supplies, postage, PO Box rental fees, professional fees, bank service charges, miscellaneous expense, community events and signs
c) All required filings are in compliance (discussed what filings we do)
d) Dues will remain at $250 for non-lake lots and $400 for lake lots
e) Dues notices will mail at end of January and are due within 30 days
f) Please include your email on the dues payments
g) One dues payment was not received from 2023
h) 5 homes sold in 2023
2) Maintenance/Landscaping Committee Report – Jim Sweeney & Erik Lundry
a) Bids need to be solicited from our service providers
i) Entering year two of a two-year contract with Tobin
ii) Erik =Mowing/trim/fertilize (need to have discussion that we need better service or we will terminate the contract) Discussed going back to Rios next year.
iii) Jim= sprinkler system (Bills Sprinkler doing good work and will continue with them) – getting a quote for along Adams Road where there are some bare patches to make sure things are good to go for spring.
iv) Heinz= lake treatments (Aquatic Weed Control) – good relationship and discounted proposal
b) Two trees removed due to storm damage – did not replace due to thick foliage.
c) Looking to get bids to paint west wall signs to match east signs
3) Social Committee Report – Carole Pascarella, Ginee Ames, Lauren Plennert & Maggie Veldman
a) Recap 2023 Events
i) Easter Egg hunt – had poor weather and was during spring break
ii) Spring Garage Sale – had good turnout
iii) 4th of July Parade – had good turnout
iv) Block Party & Turkey Trot – both were first times hosting events and both were a success and will have again next year
v) Holiday Lights competition – winners will be announced soon
vi) Banners/Wreaths for Veterans Day & Holidays – went up as planned and were enjoyed
b) 2024 Events
i) Easter Egg Hunt – 3/23 this year – Need permission from lot 87 owners – Heinz will contact owners
ii) Garage sale dates – possibly 5/17-18 or 5/31-6/1 – will do a survey on Facebook group and try to coordinate with Saddlebrook and Fox Chase again – garage sale banners and yard signs will be put up accordingly
iii) 4th July parade – morning of 4th of July with fire truck, parade and ice cream afterwards
iv) Block Party – Date TBD – August/September
v) Turkey Trot – Thanksgiving morning 11/28 – Time TBD
vi) Holiday Lights competition will happen again – more information to follow
vii) Veterans Day banners – 11/11, put up banners 11/4, remove 11/15
(1) Discussion around finding who in the neighborhood served and possibly doing a thank you gesture for them
viii) Holiday Wreaths – put up 11/30 weekend, remove 1/13/25 weekend
c) No other suggestions for additional events at the moment.
d) Set dates for future events at April board meeting as needed
4) Communications / Publicity Committee – Lauren Plennert & Leah Gerbeth
a) Lauren – E-mail address update – 117 subscribers
b) Lauren – Facebook update – 122 members
c) Dates for Board Meetings – April 15, July 15, and October 14 at the Old National Bank
5) Architectural Control Committee Report – Carole Pascarella & Kevin Cullen
a) Kevin – Status/update on ‘little library house’
6) Covenants Committee – Carole Pascarella & Kevin Cullen
a) Important: With spring projects approaching, all homeowners need to be reminded that requests for approvals need to be submitted PRIOR to starting a project. Visit the neighborhood website for directions.
b) Gentle reminder that the covenants prohibit rental and AirBnb/VRBO listings
c) Please check your post light to make sure it is in working order
d) Please keep drains in front of property to clear as snow accumulates and melts to help with drainage.
7) Open for additional comments or questions from the floor
a) REMINDER to submit each board members tasks/committees with their preferences to Lauren via email or at HOA meeting for discussion and potential changes if needed. Please send ASAP and will be discussed at the April meeting.
b) Request for a once a year physical mailing for important dates and such for those who don’t check social media/website pages.