Devonshire Pointe Homeowners Association Quarterly Meeting 10/9/2023
Members: Heinz Mantel, Leah Gerbeth, Lauren Plennert, Kevin Cullen, Bob Kord, Erik Lundry, Carole Pascarella, Ginee Ames, Maggie Veldman, Jim Sweeney
Old National Bank (in person)
1. Treasurer Report – Bob Kord
a) Expenses by vendor summary
b) 3 homes sold so far in 2023, 2 for sale
c) 125 out of 126 dues paid in full. Thank you to all for your timely payment.
2. Maintenance / Landscaping Committee – Jim Sweeney & Erik Lundry
a) Discussion of keeping the weeds and wild trees in the tree line under control
b) Discussion of landscaping company quality. We currently have a 2 year contract.
3. Social Committee – Carole Pascarella, Lauren Plennert, Maggie Veldman & Ginee Ames
a) Block party was successful and fun for those in attendance and is likely to happen again next fall
b) Neighborhood Turkey Trot to take place on Thanksgiving morning at 9:30 am. More information to follow
c) Veterans Day banner will be up at the entrances November 5-13. Thank you to all who have served.
d) Holiday wreaths will go up right after Thanksgiving.
e) 3rd annual neighborhood Holiday lights contest – more information to come
f) Discussion of Holiday time candle light walk survey
4. Communications / Publicity Committee – Lauren Plennert & Leah Gerbeth
a) Facebook group has 132 members
b) Email and website has 116 members
c) Board election letter and process will post 10/28/23 and responses will be due by 11/11/23
d) Board election self nominations by 11/4. Voting will take place on neighborhood website.
5. Architectural Control Committee – Carole Pascarella & Kevin Cullen
a) Lake lots are continuing to be cleaned up and are looking good
6. Covenants Committee – Carole Pascarella & Kevin Cullen
a) A meeting will be set up with lot 77 and 78 shed updates in process
b) A county wide burn ban is in effect.
7. Open for additional comments or questions
a) 2024 meeting dates are January 16, April 22, Jul 15 and October 14
b) Tree clean up possibility by retention pond