Devonshire Pointe Homeowner’s Association Quarterly Meeting Minutes – April 15, 2019

The Quarterly board meeting convened on April 15, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. at the Old National Bank located at Heritage Square. Board members Erik Lundry, Heinz Mantel, David Riley, Jim Sweeney, Carole Pascarella, Kevin Cullen, Lauren Plennert, Ginee Ames, and Bob Kord were present.


Treasurer’s Report-Bob Kord

    1. Welcome new Treasurer, Bob Kord. He is replacing Marius Gavrila.
    2. Reviewed Treasurer’s Report. Total Assets equal $112,981.34. The bulk of expenses have been on the lake and utlilies.
    3. The 2018 income tax filing was completed on 3/29/19 and mailed.
    4. 3 homeowners are in default of association dues.  Next steps will be taken.

Maintenance/Landscaping Committee Report – Jim Sweeney & Erik Lundry

    1. Bids were received and awarded from our service providers
      Eric =Mowing/trim/fertilize SAME as 2018       Heinz =lake treatment SAME as 2018                    Jim= sprinkler system SAME as last year
    2. We will hold off on replanting of the trees (from Granger Paths) and focus on the entrances. We are receiving quotes and look to spend up to $12,000 total.

Social Committee Report -Carole Pascarella & Lauren Plennert

    1. The Easter Egg hunt had a great turnout. 550 eggs and 17 kids had a lot of fun.
    2. Garage sale date will be May 30 – June 1. Fox Chase is joining us. Saddlebrook hopes to in the Fall.   Signs will go out on 5/26.
    3. We will discuss dates of a Fall garage sale at the next meeting.   We also hope to have combined sale with our neighborhoods to draw in more people.
    4. 4th July is a Thursday this year. Erik will confirm fire truck for the parade

Communications / Publicity Committee-David Riley & Ginee Ames

  1. Ginee – will send out post card notices for Garage sale to hit mailboxes around 5/23 and the 4th of July postcards to arrive 6/25.
  2. David – No change in the email address count.
  3. Lauren –reported that we have 91 members on Facebook.
  4. The sign in at the Easter Egg Hunt was an attempt to get more email addresses. It turned out the attendees were already captured email addresses.

Architectural Control Committee Report –Carole Pascarella & Kevin Cullen

    1. No new requests as of 4/13
    2. With many new homeowners and with spring projects approaching all homeowners need to be reminded that requests for approvals need to be submitted prior to starting a project.
    3. Reminder about removal of grass clippings from the curb

Covenants Committee –Lauren Plennert & Kevin Cullen

    1. Discussed PODS in driveways. Short-term use is acceptable, but not months.


Additional comments

    1. Operation Pull Over – Once again the association will pay for a squad car to patrol in an effort to slow down speeders.